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Debate IT Online


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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Essentially
  2. Byyyye
  3. XD I created her account
  4. From what I know not all Just curiosity Do I gotta teach you all my philosophy of the upper hand again He’s not the upper hand here He created a site and we’re using it He doesn’t realise we need it To him he needs us more than we need him Yes he doesn’t NEED us but let me make it sound like that to stay on top Do not interfere and message him
  5. O-o
  6. Ik
  7. Used your account
  8. *Blinks* Ma’am either we did it at the exact same time or you’re making that up
  9. I’m too cool ik ik
  10. Uh uhhh but WHO DID IT IN THE END HAH
  11. We did? YOU guys might have idk about me tho And THAT is why if you want something done ask me See you asked me and boom I’m done with it I don’t have time to mess about (sound like my dad rn)
  12. Anyway Remember Fang’s owl house wiki kid who was an attention seeking minor acting an adult? Apparently kindness goes a long way They messaged me
  13. Guys so something I’ve noticed with some fandom users is the weird hypocrisy People will get mad at others for doing something minor then when they do something worse they act like it’s nothing and also get mad when someone points it out
  14. *shrug* I left and tried inviting him instead but it didn’t work
  15. Oi Everyone manually follow this @PrimeEmpireNinja @Noodles @Calico @Calico @SrirachaSerotoninSardashin @Platy @Koolunicorn
  16. 40 posts less than Wolfy Our ratio doesn’t change
  17. Bruh the tension today I COULD FEED ON IT AND DESTROY YOU ALL Orrr let you rip each other apart watching But nah
  18. O-o
  19. 78 heh
  21. Religious celebration
  22. OOH
  23. Legit gonna die of laughter rn Tabby’s mum just sent this on Facebook
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