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Should they put VAT on expense accounts? Now there's an idea!

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People with expense accounts cannot possibly understand the real value of anything... 

They quite simply don't know. With no intrinsic value, nothing has any worth, and things that are worth nothing can simply be thrown away and discarded... Like people...

That's quite a statement... Do people have any value ? Or worth? Redundancy... Easy to 'let go' of employees to keep a company profitable.

But, A person is so much more than an employee... They have family, people who rely on them. Children who look up to them (Well, hopefully)

A whole life experience... With amazing abilities that are not immediately obvious.

Not just a wage that needs to be paid.

The ultra rich just haven't a clue... Programmes like 'The apprentice' show just how stupid some of these 'higher people' actually are!


Expense accounts... Should they be scrapped, so that all people have to budget to survive?

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