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Nexus Jadewing

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Nexus Jadewing last won the day on October 2 2023

Nexus Jadewing had the most liked content!


About Nexus Jadewing

  • Birthday June 1

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  1. I really miss when this place was active
  2. So were the last couple of fairly recent posts here To add to the topic, I don’t even use the cloud
  3. Idk
  4. I personally believe trans people shouldn’t do women’s sports They have so many unfair physical advantages over straight women and then there’s a chance of something rather unsavoury going on of the s-variety
  5. I can feline it in the air
  6. This guy is catastrophically stupid
  7. That, and maybe Alien coconuts
  8. What would you grow from an alien tree? Oh wait, obvious question XD
  9. I was going to add something to the conversation but I don’t want to get yelled at for saying something that sounds wrong
  10. Nexus Jadewing

    In society

    Even if I went through something like my house burning down, loved ones dying or getting an eviction notice, I’m not going to fake a smile for a total stranger because I was asked “pretty please”
  11. Nexus Jadewing

    In society

    And if we’re not happy because of personal life stuff going on?
  12. What if they knock you down so hard that you can’t get back up again?
  13. Nexus Jadewing


    I loved that show growing up
  14. I would invent something to pass perfectly as a human and lay low on earth
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