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  2. I really miss when this place was active
  3. So were the last couple of fairly recent posts here To add to the topic, I don’t even use the cloud
  4. bro this was just you speaking to yourself lmbo
  5. I wouldn't be stupid enough to put dracula in charge of a blood bank... Or trust a complete stranger with my most precious documents would I? Well... It appears that we are all doing so already... Is this situation legal? Yes... When the people doing it actually own the law...
  6. What happens to all your sensitive and important 'backed up' legal documents when you die, and you thus stop paying? Guess...
  7. I know... I've actually had video editting software stolen from my computer... As part of an 'update'. It is now grouped with something I would need to pay for, for the rest of my life... Is that legal? Well... It certainly isn't ethical.
  8. I've already noticed that some programs are no longer free of charge... Some have gone completely... Do we really control our 'Personal Computer' (PC)? Actually No... Doesn't that scare you just a tiny bit?
  9. Certain programs vanish, and others appear. Completely out of your control... 'Big Brother' is possibly making your computer automatically back every thing up. Sound innocent doesn't it? BUT if it increases the size of your 'Cloud' capacity, the cost goes up... But do you know who to? Guess!!! It's not illegal in the normal sense of the word, Cos Big Brother actually own the legal system, and can steer it to give themselves a massive profit, For doing exactly what? And this all happens under our noses, everyday... It might be an idea to check sometime?
  10. What if I had been fleeced by a boat owner in Calais, and arrived in Britain on a Rubber boat? I could be clever, I could be a valuable member of society, I am a person after all. Why is your response to punish me, try to send me to a penal colony in Rwanda, all paid for by you the British people? Why wouldn't you want me? Have I done something wrong? The only criminals here are the people who would have effectively traded me like as a commodity, and taken money to supposedly bring me somewhere where the people just might give me help? Why don't you want to help?? Us people in Britain should hang our heads in shame... Co we aren't really the 'Do-gooders' we like the world to think we are... Now, If you are brave enough... Put yourself in the scenario of having to run for your life, and find sanctuary... Anywhere, that appears to the world to be a safe country... Is England becoming racist... Again?
  11. Okay... Mr MP for Skegness. Where exactly is the 'right place'? We have turned into a nation of racists... We don't want what we call 'Illegal' immigrants here... The Seaside hotels need trade all year round, not just the couple of days 'Strictly' is in town... Blackpool is largely derelict... A lot of the hotels have been demolished, along with theatres, clubs etc. Surely putting up immigrants is a money spinner for rich landowners? Scampton, are NIMBY's. What are these immigrants running from? Shouldn't we help them sort that out? Nobody wants them, well not close by. These people need our help, not our rascism. The English seaside, for a variety of reasons, is practically dead , eight months of the year. It is cheaper to holiday in the sun, and has been for years. If you want to see what can ultimately happen when you treat people like this, Have a weeks holiday in Jaywick on sea, in Essex, just right for the train from central London, with all its' expense accounts... What if it was ourselves seeking asylum for ourselves and our families? Would we accept Ukrainians? Discuss...
  12. Do you willing 'Sync' your computer to store more and yet more onto the 'Cloud', so your monthly payments ultimately increase...? Good and convenient for us maybe, But absolutely brilliant for the people collecting money from literally billions of computers every day! The people who do this, literally 'own' the legal systems... They actually make it law that you pay so much a month... Remember 'protection rackets'? That's exactly what this is... You pay, or they delete your 'files', that you used to back up to compact ram discs etc. Can they legally do this? Well, it's you against their bribed lawyers... No wonder there was a push to make you 'personal' computer smaller, with no CD drive etc. You get software 'free' for a month... Cos they know... You'll then be paying for it for the rest of your life... Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Discuss...
  13. Ha Ha! You could be paying a well known international company £20 a month to store little more than your music collection!!! That's right... Your music files... By law they have to give you the first 5GB free... How many CD's is that? And yet you willingly pay... We all do... Do we ever look at our files on the 'Cloud', or is it just an emotional 'Backup'. Are we stupid or what? Someone is getting money, for doing nothing, from say 80% of the computers on the planet... Never mind is it legal, Is it Ethical? Discuss....
  14. I guess there is... We cannot claim with any authority to be the only living creatures. One important thing though... Knowing what we know about the way we treat this planet, and how we are as peoples, And we were considering visiting... I can't see a big queue to buy tickets to come here!!!
  15. The thing is, when they get onto the show, crowd into a taxi, and then go into a kitchen to discuss how to boil an egg! They have their plastic aprons on, over suit and tie!! Don't they all look stupid! Grown adults falling out over mere trifles (Metaphorically speaking). They just cannot do anything ordinary, Can they? Perhaps that is the real ethos behind Lord Sugar doing the programme. Do they have to be highly educated to get on the show? It certainly looks like it... And yet simple day to day tasks, as a team, completely eludes them!
  16. And does it really mean anything at all, when they get together and have a bash to raise a comparatively small amount for charity?
  17. People with expense accounts cannot possibly understand the real value of anything... They quite simply don't know. With no intrinsic value, nothing has any worth, and things that are worth nothing can simply be thrown away and discarded... Like people... That's quite a statement... Do people have any value ? Or worth? Redundancy... Easy to 'let go' of employees to keep a company profitable. But, A person is so much more than an employee... They have family, people who rely on them. Children who look up to them (Well, hopefully) A whole life experience... With amazing abilities that are not immediately obvious. Not just a wage that needs to be paid. The ultra rich just haven't a clue... Programmes like 'The apprentice' show just how stupid some of these 'higher people' actually are! Anyway... Expense accounts... Should they be scrapped, so that all people have to budget to survive?
  18. Who the hell are these people anyway? They are self-appointed anyway...
  19. There is a deal being made between countries... That means money is changing hands... It doesn't look very innocent, does it?
  20. I know one thing. All those 'Hotels' that the asylum seekers were staying in, will now have to close, because people in Britain no longer go to the seaside. Blackpool, once a seaside gem, is now largely derelict. Seaside town in general, are largely derelict now... People go abroad for holidays now, and have done for years... As British people, we are supposed to be be holding up living standards for people. But we aren't, Are we? We only give to charity if we get a tax break. Maybe fiddle it through our expense accounts... We aren't very honest, are we? We blame the young, just as our parents did we when we ourselves were young... In my working life, this country has gone from leading the world, to precious little. We cannot say we are a scrapheap, cos that was asset stripped years ago. We have a problem with people wanting to continue working from home. Covid was three years ago... The thing is, an 'office' worker, can get large proportions of their household expenses written off on the work expense account. Not to mention take and collect children from school. We are all in it for what we can get, for profit. There are now more takers than givers... Discuss
  21. It's true... Right now, we treat them as criminals... And yet our criminals get let off... A murderer gets rehabilitated, a rapist moves into the same street as their victim. But when it comes to immigration... These asylum seekers are not actually criminals... They aren't illegals... That is the people taking their money to bring them here. Should we really be punishing the victims here? We are becoming people traffickers, to some sort of money making enterprise in Rwanda. Why specifically Rwanda? Because it has all been 'arranged'... These people are running away from something... Maybe Putin... Immigration is not just here... It is worldwide. People are running for their very lives, from bullies? What if these people were our relatives? Or even ourselves? Should we really be hating them? Blaming them? We aren't very nice people, Are we? Discuss
  22. There has got to be! “The Big Bang” created the matter that we are and all around us, this could still be happening across the vastness of space with new galaxies and milky-ways teeming with life.
  23. Yes, He is going to cut taxes for the rich, who already pay little due to unlimited expense accounts and exorbitant salaries. Junior doctors don't get enough to pay tax anyway... BUT By giving state pension couples a small rise, their pension now negates their entitlement to help with the rent and council tax... He's giving them a £60 rise, and taken away nearly £500 in benefits, that they have worked for, fought for... Strived for. We have the right to retire at pension age or carry on working. What they omitted to say was, Most people will HAVE to work beyond pension age, or lose their homes. Will the electorate swallow this? Well the Russians worship Putin, and the Americans worship Trump... Need I say more? And he thinks a junior doctor, who has trained for years, to work long hours on £14.00 an hour to pay their rent... To save his life in casualty after say, A heart attack!!!! Even with private healthcare plans, you still need an ambulance, and casualty. Do private hospitals even have CT scanners? Mmmm... And why is Kier Starmer and the labour party not opposing this?
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